
Since I can't do anything


Since I can’t do anything about my visa problem/issue right now, I decided to enjoy myself in this wonderful city. For instance: 1. Took the MTR to TST (in Kowloon) to take some pictures of the harbor. The skyline has changed since 1996, that is for sure. 2. I went to the movie theatres at Times Square and saw The Matrix Reloaded. Cost: HK$60 + however much I spent for a large diet coke and a medium pop-corn. 3. I found several street stalls that sell those pancake balls. I bought them at two seperate occasions (HK$8 and HK$9) 4. I had a slurpy at a 7/11 5. I am not at an internet cafe / itnernet gaming center. There are about 40 people here paying games!! And I am writting on my blog. How sad is that? Tomorrow: I will go shopping. No, not for me, for the several people back in Beijing who gave me a hefty list of cosmetics to buy. I hope I don’t get stopped in Customs - that is, if I get a visa to return… I will make sure to make a posting tomorrow to update. Oh, I bet you are wondering what I am lacking. Well, we need a total of 5 things to get a work visa: 1. Passport 2. 2 photos 3. visa application form 4. Alien Employment License issued by the PRC government 5. Visa invitation letter issued by the PRC government Can you guess which one I don’t have? That’s right, #5. You would think that if someone had #4, #5 would be implied. But, no. So, my company will get me that document (a faxed copy of) hopefully by 2pm Friday. I will run to the visa office here and hope that they will process the visa with the faxed copy of the document and in under 3 hours time. (they close at 5pm, not open on weekends) Wish me luck