
I am in Moscow now.


I am in Moscow now. We arrived here yesterday around 9am. Our last day in St. Petersburg was eventful to say the least! In a nutshell, my glasses fell in a canal and the train tickets (St. Petersburg to Moscow) that our travel company in Moscow sent to our hostel in St. Petersburg happened to be for a train from Moscow to St. Petersburg! This was a problem. The tickets are hard to read. We found out when we got to the train station. Our train wasn’t on the future departures board. We went to the ticket booth and eventually got new tickets. The lady was very helpful. She had limited English, but enough. We bought tickets that left abotu a half hour later, so it wasn’t too bad. The travel company here in Moscow told us we would get a full refund for their mistake. Moscow is really different from St. Petersburg. Today, we visited the Kremlin. Yesterday, we walked around Red Square. It was extremely disappointing to find out that half of St. Basil’s cathedral was under renovation. So, all of my pictures of it has some amount of scaffolding and green netting. St. Basil’s was going to be the highlight of my trip to Moscow… Think Tetris. We are going to stay in town until the sun sets to take some photos at night. Tomorrow, we will check out the White House and a few other sites. The following day we leave for Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia!